Who I Am

A spiritual being living a human life, like so many others on our beautiful planet! I came here to learn, to love and to help. And that is what I am doing.

I am an international Spiritual Healer and Psychic with over ten years of experience. An accredited Usui Reiki Master and Teacher, certified also in Angelic and Heart Centred Reiki, Crystal Healing, Essential Oils Healing, Breathing techniques. I have studied and honed my innate Healing and psychic abilities, as a medium and channeller, by myself and with the priceless help of different teachers. Spirit has guided me to create my own Healing method, LoveLight Healing, based on all the information channelled throughout the years.

On a personal note, I have lived in many countries, in different continents, each with their own culture and views on how everyday life should and is lived. I have had quite a few life challenges that have required huge inner strength to overcome and heal. It is the fascinating combination of both that connected me strongly to Spirit from a very young age, and it instilled empathy and love for everyone and everything, regardless of their cultural background, creed, or personality- we are all One and the same. One of the nice perks of so much geographical change is the language skills, so if English is not your forte, Spanish or French might be.

For many years I worked as a professional photographer, art has always allowed me to express with force what I couldn’t with words, to explore beauty in everything and everyone around me, and to channel. For a long time, I kept my psychic abilities only known to a few, very close people. Until Spirit challenged me and forced me to heal myself; the best healers are those who’ve had major life challenges and have healed themselves, those who have been on the other side of the fence. Then, when I was ready, Spirit pushed me to use my God-given abilities, they could not be wasted. As a young woman, I had a stint in the corporate world, which taught me plenty and challenged my health too. Everything makes us stronger.




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